B2C Case Study

Job Search Platform

Gyfted uses AI and science to create the best possible fit for candidates looking to discover hybrid and remote job opportunities with great companies.

Project overview

I am directly responsible for developing the whole product – recruitment SaaS platform. Getting to this solution requires strategic planning, research, cross-functional collaboration, testing, and lot of prototyping.

My role: UX/UI Designer

Years: 2022 – Today

Tools: Figma, Google Meet, Google Docs, Slack, ClickUp

Link: Gyfted


Bulky UX
Bulky and inconsistent UX
Early stage product
Need to build features from scratch


Gain more “machable” users
Simplify building profile process
Improve user engagement
Make the process interesting and valuable
Improve user retention
Less friction, more motivation to return
Build CV builder from scratch
Develop platform on the early stage

Design process

To guide the UX Design process, I utilized the Double Diamond framework, which is a well-established approach for problem-solving and creative thinking.
  • The first phase of the Double Diamond process was the Discover phase, during which I audit existing website, interviews several time with the users (recruiters, hiring managers) to gain insights into their need and pain points.
  • After collecting and analyzing research data in the discover phase, I moved on to the define phase, where I identified and prioritized the most pressing user problems to be solved in the project.
  • In the develop phase, I generated numerous design concepts and created prototypes to test and iterate on with users. This process allowed me to refine my ideas and narrow down to the most viable solutions.
  • Finally, I moved to the deliver phase, where i prepare my design documentation for developers and conducted user testing to validate my assumptions.
  • Actually, the product develops so fast, so I still redesign, add new features, test and iterate the recruitment platform.

User feedbacks

Customer Journey Map

Shows a simplified process for B2B and B2C users to use the Gyfted platform.

User flows

In the process of designing the platform for job seekers, many user flows were created. Here an example of how the candidate application mechanism was created:

Redesign overview

The goal was to create innovative designs that would position Gyfted as the most simplest, intuitive, and up-to-date option among its competitors.

  • Update existing design to make it more effective and user-friendly
  • Help employers manage job post, preview candidate profiles, and find suitable candidate for their job based on culture and role fit
  • Help user see all the states about the job seekers activity and manage billing
Old interfaces
New interfaces




Job Feed


CV Builder














  • No prior UX validations or studies
  • Bulky and inconsistent experience
  • Poor user engagement
  • Lack of features
  • Validated UX
  • Components library
  • Increase number of power users
  • Built new features and improve existing ones

UX is never done...

Onboard users
Make them understand easly and fast
Breakpoints; mobile wasn’t in the spotlight because fewer people used it statistically.
Improve platform
Detail and interaction improvements
Test, test, test!
Improve based on feedback

Recent work

When I was in a primary school, I’ve loved writing stories on blogs 👩🏻‍💻. I’ve realized that websites need to have nice graphic layout to be easy to read and attract readers, so I started design 🎨 interfaces, layouts, headers, banners, gifs and logos for other bloggers. Now I do similar things for thousands of users 🌎.

I enjoy 🤍 minimal live and 🎮 video games, which influence me to include 🐒 fun but 🧹 clean element in my designs.

Pizza 🍕 and yoghurt ice cream🍦 are two things that make me happy.

Why “Naskela”? Aleksandra -> Aleksan -> Naskela 🙋🏻‍♀️